Monday, January 4, 2010

Cocktail of Emotions

Have u ever felt like u are at the most happening place in town and yet feel extremely bored.. or when u are hangin out wiv ur best buddies, laughin away but still feel like there's something missing, big time??
Most of us might have felt that way, once in a while, but when u constantly feel that way, u could pretty much be depressed and that requires immediate attention!!

I guess i could relate to that, my mind is somewhere and my heart somewhere else... it's just getting too much to bear when everything is kept inside, bottled up. No matter how understanding we try to be, there's always a fine line that shud never be crossed. Once in a while, might not be so bad we can still brush it off effortlessly, but too much of anythin is never good. Sometimes we have to let it out, speak our mind, and demand some attention from others, esspecially people who are an important part of our lives. The only problem is courage. We tend to wait for the perfect time to discuss an issue, and often dissapointed coz tht perfect moment never arrives, and continue to be hopelessly depressed.

Note to self -  "Do not wait for a perfect moment to come around, create one. Sometimes, to get the attention of others, you have to speak up. Take a deep breath, explain yourself, all the why's and how's or what's, keep a lookout on how things move on from there. Give yourself and others sometime to think about it. Wait and see if anything good came out of these efforts... for better or for worst, I decide the path of my life." (sounds so simple.. but reality bites!!)

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